Parents Play Matchmakers, Children Find Their Loved Ones

58 outstanding ABC young professionals successfully paired up on the American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform 💘

Across the screen, a matchmaker’s thread leads to the perfect moment! 🌹❤️🎊

“Do parental WeChat dating groups really work?”

— “They work! They are reliable and effective!”

1. The “Poll” Conducted by the [American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform]

The American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform is a purely non-profit American-born Chinese youth dating and exchange community created with the help of WeChat. Through sincere communication among parents in the group, it bridges the gap for children to find their ideal partners.

Recently, the platform launched an [anonymous parental questionnaire survey] in various ABC parent groups on this platform. It was warmly received by group members, and in just a few days, 710 members from across the U.S. filled out the survey, providing valuable data points. Special thanks to the parents who participated in the survey and the dedicated volunteers who put a lot of effort into this poll! 🌹

The platform’s Bay Area group had the most participants in this survey, with 180 parents. Next was the New York group with 161 parents. These two areas also have the highest concentrations of Chinese-American children on the platform. The 3rd to 7th ranked regions were Los Angeles, Chicago, DC, Boston, and Seattle, respectively.

In terms of gender composition, girls accounted for 54.5% and boys 45.5%. Although there were slightly more girls’ parents on the platform, the ratio was relatively balanced, laying a good foundation for communication within the platform. The slightly higher number of girls is mainly due to more females joining in the younger age group (20-24).

From the age distribution perspective, the largest group is in the 25-29 age range (45.2%), almost dominating the landscape. These are mostly children who have graduated from college and worked for a few years. Next is the 20-24 age range (29.2%), followed by the 30-34 age range (20.3%).

Additionally, there were many surprising or unexpected findings in the feedback data.

2. Things We Didn’t Quite Expect

Among the 710 questionnaires submitted, according to incomplete statistics, more than 80 parents indicated that their children are currently dating, and 5 couples are already engaged!

As far as we know, this number is very conservative. It does not include parents who have already left the platform because their children got married, engaged or successfully found partners. It also excludes platform parents whose children have already found partners but did not participate in this survey.

ABC parents tend to be more reserved. Some parents are unsure when their children start dating and do not consider it a successful relationship yet.

In addition, the questionnaire survey from the platform’s dating group for international students is still being tabulated, and the number of successful matches is constantly being updated. The statistics will be released next week!

How They Met

Out of 148 responses to the question “How did you meet your partner?”, 45 (30.4%) said they met through online activities on this platform, 13 (8.8%) met through offline meet-up events organized by this platform, 34 (23%) met through friends or friends of friends, 17 (11.5%) met through school or alumni connections, and 13 (8.8%) met through other dating platforms (apps). Among these, nearly 40% met directly through the platform channels!

Overall, this result far exceeds the expectations of many parents!

One parent, upon hearing the preliminary summary of the data, said, “I always thought that parent dating groups were just a place for parents to entertain themselves. I never thought they could actually help our children! It’s so inspirational and encouraging!”

Taking into account various data analyses (including the number of parents who have left the group after their children successfully found partners), the total number of young men and women who have successfully found partners through this platform has exceeded 50!

According to the survey feedback, ABC kids also frequently meet potential partners through friends, while the traditional American ways of meeting at bars or workplaces do not seem to be very common among this demographic. It seems ABC kids prefer socializing within friend circles but don’t often go to bars. 😀

Is Saying “Authorized” Too Weighty?

“Authorization” is a term that causes a lot of dilemmas and carries a weighty feeling within the group.

Some parents often worry about what to do if their child doesn’t give permission, and they are also concerned about offending others if the other child hasn’t given their parents permission. But there’s no need to worry!

According to the feedback from the questionnaire, nearly seventy percent (68.6%) of parents have already received explicit authorization from their children, allowing parents the opportunity to help their children make connections! Our volunteer team has always believed that parents don’t need to wait until their children fully authorize them before taking action. Communication with children is a process that takes time. It can go hand in hand with parents participating in group discussions, and children’s views on parental matchmaking assistance will also be dynamic.

At the same time, having good communication with children about marriage and relationships is not an easy task. After all, the environment in which children grow up is quite different from the one we grew up in. Having patience, perseverance, and the ability to communicate with children with an open and equal mindset, listening to their voices, and shining and generating power with love will definitely make parent-child communication smoother.

Most importantly, parents should not burden themselves with the mentality of “interfering in their children’s relationships” or “arranging their children’s futures.” This is because all parents are doing is introducing potential matches and passing on information. Everything else is up to the children to decide. The communication channels on our platform are just a supplement to the various social outlets children already have, aimed at expanding their social circles and increasing their chances of success, not excluding or replacing their existing social channels.

It can truly be said that parents only facilitate introductions, while children are responsible for forming connections!

Knocking and Being Knocked

In our platform, privately requesting to add the other parent on WeChat for a private chat is called “knocking on the door,” while the other parent is referred to as “being knocked on the door.” Knocking on the door and being knocked on the door are the crucial first steps in connecting two parents for a deeper conversation. Parents can only further understand the situation of both children and decide whether to proceed with matchmaking by chatting privately.

In this survey, nearly half (49.3%) of parents said they had never privately chatted with other parents! 43.6% of parents have only knocked on the door 1-5 times, while about 5% of parents have knocked on the door 6-10 times.

From the perspective of being “knocked on the door,” 58.6% of families have been knocked on the door 1-5 times, 28.8% of families have never been knocked on the door, and 9.9% of families have been knocked on the door 6-10 times!

Overall, more than seventy percent of families have been approached (“knocked on the door”) by others, while only half of them have taken the initiative to contact other parents. This indicates that a considerable number of parents are still far from being proactive and have not fully utilized the resources and opportunities provided by the platform! There is still a lot of untapped potential here.

As we all know, from a statistical perspective, the more knocks, the greater the chance of encountering compatible families. The more effort parents put in, the greater the chance of successfully connecting their children.

3. Supporting Each Other, Walking Together towards a Bright Future

The philosophy of the American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform is to create a community of public welfare, openness, warmth, mutual assistance, and shared friendship, where everyone supports each other. To this end, the platform has assembled and trained a group of kind-hearted and selfless volunteers to work diligently with parents to promote group interaction.

At the same time, the platform has always advocated for a multi-pronged approach, integrating online and offline activities to create more opportunities for children to meet.

Recently, the platform has expanded its resources by collaborating with friendly groups and platforms. It has also engaged in interactive promotions with Chinese communities and associations across the country, co-hosting public lectures and community events to attract more Chinese families with matchmaking needs to join our big family and give back to the community together.

To deepen and broaden group communication, we need strong support from parents, especially for offline activities in various regions where local parents can help with venues and other logistics. At the same time, we also need a large number of volunteers to join our team to serve parents in need. Many hands make light work!

For parents who are willing to volunteer on the platform, please contact the platform’s management team. We look forward to your joining!

Parents interested in joining [the American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform] to help their adult children find connections, please scan the QR code below.

58名优秀ABC Young professionals 在美国名校华裔校友相亲平台成功牵手💘



—“ 管用!既靠谱又管用!”


1. "民调"里的[美国名校华裔校友相亲平台]



参与这次问卷调查人数最多的是平台的湾区群, 有180位家长参加。其次是纽约群,161位。这两地也是平台华裔孩子最集中的区域。排名3-7位的地区依次为:洛杉矶,芝加哥, DC, 波士顿和西雅图。

从性别构成来看,女孩占54.5%, 男孩45.5%, 虽然参加平台的女孩家长更多一些,但整体还较平衡,这为平台内的交流环境打下了良好基础。女孩人数略多的主要原因是在低龄段(20-24)有更多的女生加入。

从年龄分布看, 人数最多的是25-29岁年龄段 (45.2%), 几乎占了半壁江山。这些基本都是出了大学校门工作过几年的孩子。其次是20-24年龄段(29.2%), 以及30-34 年龄段(20.3%)。


2. 那些没怎么想到的

710份递交的问卷里,据不完全统计,有80多位家长表示孩子正在dating, 5位已经订亲!

据我们所知,这个数字非常保守。这里既不包括因为结婚,订婚或者牵手成功已经离开本平台的一些家长, 也不包括孩子已经牵手成功, 但没有参加本次问卷的平台家长。

ABC 家长一般比较含蓄。有些孩子dating刚开始,家长沒把握,并不认为已成功牵手。



从回答了"牵手成功认识途径"问题的148个反馈里,45位(30.4%) 表示通过本平台线上活动相识, 13位(8.8%)通过本平台各地的线下见面活动相识,34位(23%) 通过朋友或朋友的朋友相识,17位(11.5%) 通过学校及校友因素认识,而13位(8.8%)通过其它相亲平台(App)相识。这里面,直接通过平台渠道认识的快接近40%了!


有位家长听到初步汇总的数据后说,“我一直以为父母相亲群就是一个家长自娱自乐的场所,没想到还真能帮上孩子忙! 太励志, 太受鼓舞了!”。


从问卷反馈来看, ABC寻缘通过朋友途径也不少, 而美国传统的通过bar或者工作单位结交异性的渠道,在ABC人群中比例似乎并不高。看来ABC孩子比较喜欢混朋友圈,但不太常去bar玩。😀




从问卷反馈看,有近七成(68.6%) 家长已经得到孩子明确授权,让父母有机会帮孩子牵线搭桥!咱们义工团队也一向认为,家长不必等孩子完全授权才开始行动。与孩子沟通是一个过程,需要时间,它完全可以与家长在群里参加交流齐头并进,而孩子对家长助缘的看法也将是动态的。





在咱们平台,私下请求加对方家长微信私聊被称为“敲窗”, 而对方家长是被称为”被敲窗”。敲窗和被敲窗是把两个家长联接起来开始深度交流的关键第一步。家长只有通过私聊才能更进一步了解双方孩子的情况,从而决定是否再进一步给双方孩子牵上线。


从“被敲窗”角度看,58.6%的家庭被敲过窗1-5次, 28.8%家庭从未被敲窗,而9.9%家庭被敲过6-10次!

总体上,有七成以上的家庭被别人询问(“敲窗” )过,而主动出击去联系别人的家长却只有一半。这说明我们相当数量的家长还远远不够主动,也远远没有充分利用平台提供的资源和机会!这里面还有很大潜力可挖。


3. 多管其下,为孩子们加油助力;前路灿烂,我们愿与你同行

美国名校华裔校友相亲平台的办群理念是打造“人人为我,我为人人”的公益、开放、温馨、互助、共享交友社区。为此平台集结和培养了一批充满爱心并无私奉献的义工, 来与家长一道,扎扎实实推动群交流。


最近,平台也通过与友群,友平台对接来扩大资源, 通过与各地华人社区华人社团的宣传互动,合办公益讲座,联办社区活动等来吸引更多有相亲需求的华人家庭加入我们平台这个大家庭, 并一起回馈社区。

