[American Select Colleges Alumni ABC Dating Platform] Bay Area and New York Offline Events Unprecedented Success

The New York group gathering had just ended when the joyous news of “love at first sight” spread! The U.S. Select Colleges Alumni ABC Dating Platform is dedicated to facilitating both online and offline social interactions, creating opportunities for young men and women who are extremely busy with work and life to meet. Following the successful gatherings in Chicago and Boston around the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, the platform recently held grand offline social events in the Bay Area and New York, where families are most concentrated.
The events in both locations shared many characteristics, such as large scale, a balanced gender ratio, close cooperation between volunteers and parents, meticulous and solid organization, a warm and lively atmosphere, everyone having a great time, and overwhelmingly positive feedback afterward. Besides, the activities in the Bay Area and New York each had their distinct features.

Bay Area: Silicon Valley Pastoral Lantern Festival Gathering for Hundreds
The Lantern Festival gathering on February 25th in the Bay Area was hosted by a caring parent in her spacious and tree-lined property. The host’s family and volunteers began preparations early. Notably, the elder members of the host’s family also enthusiastically helped. The venue was adorned with blooming flowers and fluttering flags, creating an unforgettable atmosphere of joy and laughter.

Half of the attendees were adult children and the other half were parents. Each parent brought their specialty dishes to share with everyone. The adult children and parents split up for activities, creating a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Chess tables were set up in the yard, and dartboards were hung on the big trees. Everyone had a fantastic time playing.
As the young men and women interacted, the parents also established connections among themselves.
New York: A Fashionable Party at a Prestigious Rooftop Club in Manhattan
On March 2nd, the New York group held a party at a rooftop club in Midtown Manhattan, attended by nearly seventy children (thanks to the group administrators for arranging such a prime, conveniently located venue). More than a dozen parents volunteered at the event. They arrived early to beautifully decorate the venue. Some parents brought meticulously prepared dishes, fruits, and desserts. The platform also ordered delicious food from a famous Manhattan Chinese restaurant.

The event attracted not only locals from New York but also families from other cities in the East who traveled a long distance to attend. The eighty available spots for the event were quickly filled, resulting in a long waitlist, which shows the popularity of such events.
The young men and women were fashionably dressed and laughter was constant. The atmosphere was very lively, especially during interactive segments like riddle guessing, which brought the atmosphere to a climax. After the event, young people spontaneously formed WhatsApp and Instagram social groups, expanding their own social circles.
What was even more delightful was that right after the event ended, the platform received joyful news of love at first sight between a boy and a girl from the New York group!
Creating the Fourth Social Network for the Chinese Second Generation
Our platform is committed to creating more and better opportunities for outstanding young men and women to meet. However, the platform’s ideals, goals, and values go far beyond this.
Through the face-to-face interactions and the social circles young people establish after getting to know each other, our platform helps them build their own fourth social network, beyond classmates, colleagues, and family circles.

This fourth network, which we might call the “Surprise Network,” consists mostly of excellent peers who are strangers, unlike the mostly familiar faces in the other three networks. This network often allows young people to meet a large group of excellent peers, make new friends, and broaden their horizons.
At our platform’s social events, there are plenty of opportunities to meet close friends, buddies, potential future business partners, or companions for life’s journey.
However, not everyone is outgoing. For instance, at the recent New York gathering, the attentive group administrator noticed that a few young people were very shyly staying in a corner of the room. The administrator kindly and patiently asked them to rejoin the group and introduced themselves. Such offline events also help them step out of their comfort zones and break through social barriers.
Matches, Lighting a Beam of Light; Bridges, Connecting Two Hearts
The majority of our platform’s users are outstanding young people who have graduated from college and have been working for several years. They are well-educated, and most have gained some work experience, becoming more mature than during their college days, and have clearer goals for their future careers and lives, as well as clearer expectations for their ideal partners.
Their eyes sparkle with dreams, their arms cradle hopes, they sing as they walk, and their faces are bathed in sunshine! Such young people, if given the opportunity to meet, can easily spark connections.
Amid their busy work and life schedules, what they need is just that match — to light the perfect opportunity to meet; what they need is just that bridge, to connect two young hearts together.
Our platform is willing to be that match; and our volunteers, together with all the parents, are willing to be that bridge!
Parents interested in joining [the American Select Colleges ABC Alumni Dating Platform] to help their adult children find connections, please scan the QR code below.


美国名校华裔校友相亲平台, 致力于推动线上和线下社交,为工作生活十分繁忙的男女青年创造相识机会。延续龙年春节前后成功举办的芝加哥群和波士顿群聚会,最近平台在家庭最集中的湾区和纽约群分别举行了盛大线下社交活动。
湾区: 硅谷田园式百人元宵大聚会

孩子们与家长们分头活动,气氛轻松而随意。院子里摆上了棋摊, 大树上挂起了飞镖盘。孩子们玩得不亦乐乎。


活动不仅吸引了本地纽约人,也有东部其他城市的家庭远程赶来参加。而八十来个活动名额也早早被报满,出现了一个长长的候补名单, 可见这样的活动受欢迎的程度。

孩子们打扮入时,笑语不断。活动气氛非常热烈。特别是猜谜等互动环节更把气氛推向了高潮。活动结束后,孩子们自发建立了WhatsUp和Instagram 社交团,拓展了他们自己的社交圈子。


在繁忙工作及生活之余,对于寻缘,他们需要的就是那么一根火柴—— 点亮那个恰到好处的相识机会;他们需要的就是那么一座桥,能把两颗年轻的心连接起来。